Monday, June 6, 2011

Advertising Companies Come Together

Women's shapewear is something that has been around for about five years now. Before Shapewear was developed, women who were not comfortable with their bodies were forced to wear uncomfortable clothing or so let there unsightly body parts be seen. For the women that are not completely comfortable with their bodies, this was a dilemma. They really needed something to help reshape and recontour their body. Once women's shapewear finally hit the market, just about every female on the planet rushed to take them up. They figured that this womenswear would solve all of their unsightly body problems.

While women's shape where is a very promising product, when it was first released to the public. It had no buzz. When I say it had no buzz, I mean no one was talking about it because no one knew about it. The marketing vice president of women's Shapeware decided to team up with a very prominent restaurant to attempt to draw consumers. When this particular brand of shape where reached out to the other commercial entities in the area, they came across a very interesting restaurant. They found that Applebee's bar and grill was happy to help jointly market their product.

From that point on, women's shape where marketing VP met with Applebee's representatives to put together an advertising campaign that would benefit them both. The women's Shapeware VP really wanted to reach as many women as possible which is exactly why they put together a two-sided coupon advertising both women's wear and Applebee's coupons. These Applebee's coupons or something that are handed out to consumers every single day for free. Be that as it may, when people read the coupon on one side, they always turn it over and read the back. This is where women's shape where information is located. Now this was a marketing ploy that was put in place sometime ago but seemed to sound beneficial to all parties involved.

If you're the type of person that usually likes to get free food coupons, then you would be the ideal candidate that Applebee's wants to visit. When you leave their restaurant, they know that you're a female, and that you are probably going to be interested in their two-sided coupon. For that reason, women's Shapeware along with Applebee's restaurant coupons are a great combination.